What we believe in
A responsible approach to animals and nature begins in people's minds. The children should learn at an early stage how to deal with animals and nature correctly. Their future social behaviour and understanding of their own environment should be shaped in a sustainable way. In the meantime, through the cooperation with the association aktion tier e.V., the offer for children has been expanded by the design of animal and environmental protection rooms. Altogether 21 animal protection rooms were furnished meanwhile, of it alone 14 in Berlin.
Animal protection-fair behavior is determined by an existing sense of responsibility of humans. If this would be present in a sufficient measure, a sorrowfully existence could be saved for many animals. Ignorance and the lack of respect for fellow creatures and nature are mostly the causes of human behaviour, the effects of which have to be fought again and again. To start early in order to be able to act in the sense of an understanding for animal and nature is one of the premises of our foundation statute. Therefore, working with children and young people is the focus of our actions in order to convey this understanding and the resulting action to the generation of tomorrow from childhood on.