Projects of the foundation

Children are the animal protectors of tomorrow

In accordance with its statutes, the foundation is committed to animal welfare and nature conservation. A special emphasis of the activities lies thereby on the work with children and young people, in order to give them a responsible handling with the animals as fellow creatures. At the same time, therapeutic measures are taken within the framework of individual projects to alleviate the long-term consequences of e.g. illnesses in traumatised children by dealing with animals. Animal welfare education and visit programs for children and young people in animal welfare institutions as well as special educational offers in school facilities round off the activities of the foundation.

In order to sensitize city children to animal welfare and nature conservation, we have developed the concept of the animal welfare room with the support of the animal welfare association aktion tier - menschen für tiere e.V. (Animal Welfare Association). Animal protection teaching rooms are places, in which children can inform themselves without pressure to perform about topics such as kind-fair domestic animal husbandry, game in free nature or the origin of animal products. Places where they can develop, read and explore their own small projects. Unfortunately, such topics are still not included in school curricula.

Teaching rooms for animal protection

Teaching rooms for animal protection are rooms equipped by us in educational institutions such as schools, day-care centers and after-school care centers, where children and young people can inform themselves in their free time about topics such as species-appropriate pet keeping, wild animals in the wild or the origin of animal food. Where they can develop their own small projects and implement, read and explore them in everyday school life. In 2012 a campaign was launched by the Menschen für Tiere foundation under the heading "12 districts - 12 teaching rooms for animal protection" and designed a corresponding number of these rooms in schools in Berlin.

This project was made known to a broad public by starting a campaign at Berlin's Alexanderplatz and was prepared together with the participating schools in the following months. The first teaching room for animal welfare in was put into operation on 26th of November 2012 during a ceremony at the all-day school “Hohes Feld” in Berlin. Almost 400 children enthusiastically took possession of "their project".

List of our teaching rooms:

  • Erhard und Rudolf Mauersberger school, Großrückerswalde, April 2019
  • Roman-Herzog-School, Brilon, July 2018
  • aktion tier Seefeld, Schwerin, March 2016
  • Wartbergschool, Niederndodeleben, February 2016
  • Pferde bewegen Menschen e.V., Gernsbach, July 2015
  • Wilhelm-Busch school, Berlin-Hellersdorf, December 2014
  • Hermann-Boddin-school, Berlin-Neukölln, November 2014
  • Waldorfschool Berlin-Südost, Berlin-Köpenick, October 2014
  • CEIP La Jurada, Tenerife, March 2014
  • Grüner Campus Malchow, Berlin-Lichtenberg, January 2014
  • Triebischtalschool, Meissen, November 2013
  • Ernst-Reuter-School, Berlin-Mitte, November 2013
  • aktion tier Meissen, Meissen, July 2013
  • Hagenbeck-School, Berlin-Weißensee, May 2013
  • Paavo-Nurmi-School, Berlin-Marzahn, May 2013
  • Carl-Krämer-School, Berlin-Mitte, April 2013
  • IBB Dresden, Dresden, March 2013
  • Müggelsee-School, Berlin-Köpenick, March 2013
  • Grundschule am Hohen Feld, Berlin-Pankow, November 2012
  • Städtische Kindertagesstätte, München, May 2012
  • CEIP Parque de la Reina, Tenerife, April 2012
  • AWO Radeberg, Radeberg, September 2011