Fifth Nature and Animal Welfare Room opened in Saxony

01.04.2019 – Simone Schweiger & Alexandra Pfitzmann

In April a nature and animal protection room was opened by the animal protection organization “aktion tier” in the Protestant secondary school "Erhard und Rudolf Mauersberger" in Großrückerswalde.

This fulfilled a wish of the pupils, who had been allowed to go on a very special school trip to the animal shelter on Tenerife one year earlier.

The contact to the registered association “aktion tier” was made at that time through the biology teacher and future teacher animal protection teacher Katrin Lange, which got to know “aktion tier” while searching for a trip goal having the topic animal protection. She read a report about the animal shelter “Accion del Sol” on Tenerife, one of the projects of “aktion tier”. She decided to contact aktion tier in order to plan a school trip of a special kind. aktion tier made this possible! Together with eleven pupils Mrs. Lange and the headmistress Mrs. Golla flew to Tenerife and spent a week at the animal shelter. Since in the animal shelter on Tenerife an animal protection room is furnished, the desire for an own animal protection room developed in the school.

Exactly one year after visiting the animal shelter in Tenerife, pupils and teachers from “Erhard and Rudolf Mauersberger Oberschule” celebrated the opening on April 3rd. 2019. After a musical welcome by the children of the local kindergarten, the headmistress Claudia-Morena Golla gave an opening speech. With shining eyes, the visitors of the kindergarten and school explored their new animal protection room. They used the opportunity to ask numerous questions and are very much looking forward to the regular animal welfare lessons.

The animal protection room was equipped by us with magnifying glasses, experiment boxes as well as with many books, DVDs and own material to the topic animal and environmental protection. Thus the children in the future will be teached in a playful way how the respectful handling works best for nature and animals.

The animal protection room in Großrückerswalde is the 24th of its kind in Germany. In Saxonia now are five nature and animal protection rooms. But also in Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Bavaria as well as on Tenerife the animal protection rooms of the organization aktion tier already successfully open the entrance to animal protection-relevant topics for hundreds of school children.